Saturday, January 30, 2010

What was the 12th Century Renaissance?

The twelfth century renaissance was a time that many things changed in the middle ages. There were many social, political and economic changes throughout Europe. At the beginning of the 13th century, which is included in the Renaissance, many works of literature were translated into different languages. For example, a lot of Aristotle’s scientific writings were translated into different languages, so people could learn of his teachings and findings. During the 12th century renaissance, there were also many inventions. The windmill, paper, compass, eyeglasses, and rubber was being used at this time. All of these things were new to the people, and it caused cooperation, but in the long run this time period has helped us a lot.

"Renaissance of the 12th Century." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 03 May 2010. .

The Beginning of Mesopotamia

·         Known as Mesopotamia
o    The cradle of civilization

·         Hunter gatherers
·         The faster, stronger, better hunters get the animals.

35,000 years ago- Neolithic Age
·          evidence of people planting crops
·          staying in one location
·          domesticating animals
·          Start to see art work.

·         The first city that was ever developed
·          a site that has been buried by time
o    Looks like a hill.

Water is the single major reason where people settle.
o    Las Vegas is not located on water. In the middle of a desert.

URABANIZATION: people moving into cities

·         Trade of goods
o    Farmer trades with hunter
·         Specialization

GOVERNMENT begins to develop once more people settle.  They need rules for conflict.

·         Located in Ur
·         The city of the God nana
o    The moon god
·         Ziggurat of Ur
o    A temple.

Religion is different then spirituality, because there are set practices and beliefs.
o    An example of culture.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Is Change Good or Bad?

Change means to make or become different. Throughout the history of the world, change is a familiar word. To me, change is neither a good nor a bad thing. There are both positive and negative outcomes from changes happening every day. Modernization refers to the changes a civilization goes through in order to become more advanced. This idea is evident in our technology, government, and economy. Some people strongly oppose change, because it makes them feel out of control. The truth is, change is inevitable. Long term change is going to happen, and there is no way to stop it. We adapt to the new issues that lie at hand, and change what is needed to help society advance. In order to adapt to change, we need to have a mind that is open to new ideas. We need to use change for the positive and use it to move our way forward.
            The effects of change have impacted the world in both big ways and small. Some changes have been embraced while others still await adaption in society every day.  When the United States moved from an agriculture civilization, hunting and farming, to industrial, factories and shops, the nation went through a serious change. Out of this revolution came media, jobs, medical advances, and technology. All aspects of change have positive and negative effects on our world.
Through the media, I can watch the news, learn about my favorite celebrity, or find out who to call when my sink is broken. Aside from the news, pop-culture and plumbers, the media can also suggest negative ideas to kids. Every woman on the T.V. or in magazines is super skinny and always very attractive; this makes kids want to look like them. As a result, more and more teens are being diagnosed with eating disorders. Aspiring to look like someone else was not popular in prehistoric times; this is a modern day issue and was brought about from change. The media can also be a great thing. Citizens can easily find out about tragedies or triumphs on topics such as natural disasters, government speeches, deaths, births, and so much more. Media can go back to the idea of modernization. We use new technology to communicate to one another and also use it to help boost our economy, in advertising and acting. Through the media, it is easy to get information from one place to another, but the media is abused for personal wealth.
With the dramatic change from an agricultural to an industrialized world, many more jobs were created in the United States. Money was pouring into families, and still is for some, despite the economy. Men and women work all hours of the day to support their families. Jobs are great additions to our world, but through changes in modern times, jobs have pulled families apart, as they spend so much time away from home. Today jobs are scarce, as the unemployment rate is still low. If someone has a job they do everything they can in order to keep it, children do not see their parents nearly as much then in the Neolithic age. During that time, agriculture was just beginning and children would work for their parents on the farm. Now, kids go to school, while their parents work; some don’t even see each other at all during the day, only at bedtime, and in the morning. Through modernization, the idea of a work-a-holic is introduced.  Without jobs our economy would not be where it is today, but is it worth missing time with loved ones in order to do so?
Medicine has come a long way since the Neolithic age. Now, in modern times, doctors can diagnose someone easily, and then treat them properly. Back then there really was no “doctor”. The practice of medicine has changed throughout the years. Discoveries have been made, health care was established, and hospitals were built. The only negative aspect of medicine is being denied healthcare. Some people who do not have a job, are unlikely to be able to pay for insurance, and if they don’t have insurance they have to pay for treatment themselves. Also, the epidemic of the AIDS virus has complicated health care, because it is a disease that slowly gets worse and needs medical attention a lot. If someone becomes infected by AIDS, health insurance drops them immediately. The only case that they are obligated by law to give you insurance is if you were born with the virus. Without the change and improvements of medicine, we would not have the health conscience world we live in.
Changes in technology have had a serious impact on the world. The revolution from agricultural to industrial relied on technology. There were many key inventions or discoveries that forever changed the way we live. Prehistorically, the plow helped farmers harvest their crops. Also, the wheel allowed merchants, famers, and all civilians to carry good from place to place with ease. Modern times, the invention of the car also helped us to move from place to place faster. The invention of the T.V. lets us see what is happening in our world and can entertain us for long periods at a time. Technology also lets us view how other countries live. On the negative side of technology, communication isn’t done in person nearly as much as before. New social networking websites have created a universe in which all communication takes place. People find it weird to talk in person when it is so much easier to talk in person.  Technology helps us become familiar with new things, and can connect many people from all around the world.
Modernization and change have impacted the world in both good and bad ways. In some aspects, change helps us become a more civilized nation, but in others if sets us back and makes it harder to do every day things. Change cannot be stopped, but with the right attitude, it will not be a problem.
"Modernization Theory - Defining Modernization Theory, Applying Modernization Theory, Globalization Theory, Contemporary Theories, Bibliography." Science Encyclopedia. 29 Jan. 2010 .
"What is Change." IIE - The Global Association of Productivity and Efficiency Proffessionals. 29 Jan. 2010 .

What is History?

History can mean a lot of things. It can be when your life first started, when the world came into existence, or even those things you want to put behind you. Without history, our world would not be the same. We would not have the technology we use every day, we would have no knowledge of those who came before us, nor would we know what we were like when we were younger. History is important, but what exactly is it and why do so many people spend a majority of their life devoted to studying it? These people may be trying to predict the future or just trying come to terms with reality. There are four main theories of history, Linear, Cyclical, Hegelian, or Vortextual. Each one is different, and attempts to explain the different aspects of history.
The Hegelian theory of history states that thesis plus antithesis equals synthesis. Stated simply, this means that each event in history leads to another event. This theory was introduced by a German philosopher named Georg Hegel. Hegel believed that this sequence of events is the way God helped us achieve ultimate perfection. In my opinion, I think this is the most logical theory that defines history. I think that because when something happens, it leads to another thing, just like the theory states. It does not go just from beginning to end, some things set you back and others jump your forward. Life doesn’t go in a circle. I see new and exciting things every day. Whether it’s just a new math problem, or meeting someone new, I know it has never happened to me before. The Hegelian theory of history, to me, is the theory that explains my life, and also all of the past.
            Linear history is the usual way we think of history. We think that in a person’s life, birth comes before death; a beginning and an end. Linear history is usually explained by a timeline. In the Catholic faith, people believe in linear history. There are many passages and hints in the bible that suggest this.  For example, in Genesis 1, it begins by saying “In the beginning, God created…” Just because the bible says this, does it mean it is true? Yes and no. There have been many findings that do not fully prove the bibles teachings, nor does it go against them. Linear history is the most common way people study history, but there is no way yet to know if it is the ‘right’ way.
            Cyclical history is exactly what it sounds like, a circle. There is no beginning or end. Each event that occurs in not new or never been seen, because “our past is just a pattern of cycles.” People who use the phrase, “history repeats itself”, are probably believers in this theory. Many people in the Middle East believe cyclical history is the best way to describe our past. They believe this because of their belief in reincarnation. In many religions, people believe in dying as one person, but then being reincarnated into another body. The person’s life never ends, and therefore never has a beginning; their life is a complete cycle. In recent times, more research has leaned toward the linear theory. This is because there is no proof that cyclical history is actually true.  
            The Vortextual theory of history suggests that history is like a gyre. A gyre is a circle or spiral.  There are some events in history that are very big and some that are small. For example, the Roman Empire was very big, and the Dark Ages fell small. I think out of all of the theories, this theory is the hardest to understand. The Hegelian theory says that events lead to one another, but according to the Vortex theory, they are not intertwined, there are just big and small events.  How can a big event lead to small event? What is even considered as a small event?  Is a small event considered negative? If this theory is correct, it would mean that some events are “small”, not as important as the “big” events. I believe that every event plays its own part in contributing to history as a whole.
            Without history, we would not be where we are today, in terms of technology, agriculture, government, economy, and the arts. We are always learning from our mistakes, and finding new ways to prevent them. We take one person’s ideas, build on it with the experience of our time, and change it to fit our needs. When Hernando Cortez conquered the Incan empire, it was an easy win due to some key technology and knowledge. The Spaniards used newly discovered steel fashioned into weapons. Their early experimentation created something that forever changed the way war was fought. In addition, the Spainards used the writings of Spanish soldiers before them to gain knowledge. The Incan people, without steel weapons and the written words, had no chance against the Spaniards.
            A question that I have always wondered about is why people get so much joy from studying history? Some people view history as another subject in school that requires tons of memorization, but not to others. Many people are so passionate about this subject. I am guessing that they live and breathe history for a couple of reasons. Maybe they would love to be that one person that can prove they can predict history. Also, some are so intrigued by the idea of the “past”, because they need to figure out the things that contributed to the world we live in now. These certain people cannot live without studying history, and we cannot live without the concept of history.     History is one of the most complicated topics to study, because you cannot look into it completely.  We do not know exactly what history is, but there are theories that attempt to explain how it works. The study of history is very important because we need to remember that we learn from the mistakes people made before us, and observe what they did to solve that specific problem. History means something different to each of us, and whatever the definition may be, it will always be a topic of interest to many, many people.
"Guns Germs & Steel: Variables. Writing |." PBS. 28 Jan. 2010 .
"Historiography." CUSD - PVHS - Home - Home - Home. 28 Jan. 2010 .
"Is History Cyclical or Linear?" 28 Jan. 2010 .

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Venus of Willendorf

            The Venus of Willendorf is a sculpture of a naked women created from limestone. It was discovered in 1908 in Austria. Researchers said it dates back to 25,000 BCE. This statue is a lot different than others from that time period, because the woman appears to be overweight. Back then, food was scarce, and it was unusual for someone to be larger. This statue shows that during this time period, civilization made huge advancements. The people began agriculture, and now started creating art. The Venus of Willendorf shows that man was beginning to work towards serious advancement in civilization, economics, agriculture, art, arcitechture, and technology.

"Venus of Willendorf: Prehistoric Carving in Limestone: Stone Age Figurine Sculpture: History, Discovery, Photograph." Irish Art | Encyclopedia of Visual Arts in Ireland | History of Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking: Artists, Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions. Web. 27 Jan. 2010.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Megalithic Building cultures are organized large standing rocks in Europe. The megaliths had religious significance. They were used for burials and other ceremonies. “The term “megalith” means “great stone”.” These structures showed the growth of civilizations, because it proved that people were now living in one place, because they were burying the dead in that one spot. Without the formation of the Megalithic stones, certain civilizations would not have grown, and we would not be able to find prehistoric bodies if they were buried in many different places.

The Significance of the Rise of Agriculture

Throughout history, agriculture has been a significant player in the development of civilizations. In about 5500 B.C. famers began settling in Europe. They harvested crops such as wheat and barley.  This cultivation of crops gradually spread from the east to the west, making farming very popular among people. As a result of the growth of agriculture, new technologies were created and animals were used in aiding the work being done on the farm. Oxen were used to pull the new invention called the plow. The spread and significance of agriculture helped aid the development of civilizations, and also caused people to settle and stay in one place. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Hegelian Theory of History

Thesis +Antithesis= Synthesis

Event 1- John, strongest kid in class doesn't tie his shoes   +   Event 2- John picks on group of kids, bullying them.
Event 3= John chases the kids but slips out of his shoe.


Event 1- John sprains his ankle   +   Event 2- John gets jumped on the way home from school.
Event 3=John now hurts his head also.


Event 1- John goes to the hospital   +   Event 2- John finds out he has a concussion and is put in a cast.
Event 3=John has to use crutches for 3 weeks.