Friday, January 29, 2010

Is Change Good or Bad?

Change means to make or become different. Throughout the history of the world, change is a familiar word. To me, change is neither a good nor a bad thing. There are both positive and negative outcomes from changes happening every day. Modernization refers to the changes a civilization goes through in order to become more advanced. This idea is evident in our technology, government, and economy. Some people strongly oppose change, because it makes them feel out of control. The truth is, change is inevitable. Long term change is going to happen, and there is no way to stop it. We adapt to the new issues that lie at hand, and change what is needed to help society advance. In order to adapt to change, we need to have a mind that is open to new ideas. We need to use change for the positive and use it to move our way forward.
            The effects of change have impacted the world in both big ways and small. Some changes have been embraced while others still await adaption in society every day.  When the United States moved from an agriculture civilization, hunting and farming, to industrial, factories and shops, the nation went through a serious change. Out of this revolution came media, jobs, medical advances, and technology. All aspects of change have positive and negative effects on our world.
Through the media, I can watch the news, learn about my favorite celebrity, or find out who to call when my sink is broken. Aside from the news, pop-culture and plumbers, the media can also suggest negative ideas to kids. Every woman on the T.V. or in magazines is super skinny and always very attractive; this makes kids want to look like them. As a result, more and more teens are being diagnosed with eating disorders. Aspiring to look like someone else was not popular in prehistoric times; this is a modern day issue and was brought about from change. The media can also be a great thing. Citizens can easily find out about tragedies or triumphs on topics such as natural disasters, government speeches, deaths, births, and so much more. Media can go back to the idea of modernization. We use new technology to communicate to one another and also use it to help boost our economy, in advertising and acting. Through the media, it is easy to get information from one place to another, but the media is abused for personal wealth.
With the dramatic change from an agricultural to an industrialized world, many more jobs were created in the United States. Money was pouring into families, and still is for some, despite the economy. Men and women work all hours of the day to support their families. Jobs are great additions to our world, but through changes in modern times, jobs have pulled families apart, as they spend so much time away from home. Today jobs are scarce, as the unemployment rate is still low. If someone has a job they do everything they can in order to keep it, children do not see their parents nearly as much then in the Neolithic age. During that time, agriculture was just beginning and children would work for their parents on the farm. Now, kids go to school, while their parents work; some don’t even see each other at all during the day, only at bedtime, and in the morning. Through modernization, the idea of a work-a-holic is introduced.  Without jobs our economy would not be where it is today, but is it worth missing time with loved ones in order to do so?
Medicine has come a long way since the Neolithic age. Now, in modern times, doctors can diagnose someone easily, and then treat them properly. Back then there really was no “doctor”. The practice of medicine has changed throughout the years. Discoveries have been made, health care was established, and hospitals were built. The only negative aspect of medicine is being denied healthcare. Some people who do not have a job, are unlikely to be able to pay for insurance, and if they don’t have insurance they have to pay for treatment themselves. Also, the epidemic of the AIDS virus has complicated health care, because it is a disease that slowly gets worse and needs medical attention a lot. If someone becomes infected by AIDS, health insurance drops them immediately. The only case that they are obligated by law to give you insurance is if you were born with the virus. Without the change and improvements of medicine, we would not have the health conscience world we live in.
Changes in technology have had a serious impact on the world. The revolution from agricultural to industrial relied on technology. There were many key inventions or discoveries that forever changed the way we live. Prehistorically, the plow helped farmers harvest their crops. Also, the wheel allowed merchants, famers, and all civilians to carry good from place to place with ease. Modern times, the invention of the car also helped us to move from place to place faster. The invention of the T.V. lets us see what is happening in our world and can entertain us for long periods at a time. Technology also lets us view how other countries live. On the negative side of technology, communication isn’t done in person nearly as much as before. New social networking websites have created a universe in which all communication takes place. People find it weird to talk in person when it is so much easier to talk in person.  Technology helps us become familiar with new things, and can connect many people from all around the world.
Modernization and change have impacted the world in both good and bad ways. In some aspects, change helps us become a more civilized nation, but in others if sets us back and makes it harder to do every day things. Change cannot be stopped, but with the right attitude, it will not be a problem.
"Modernization Theory - Defining Modernization Theory, Applying Modernization Theory, Globalization Theory, Contemporary Theories, Bibliography." Science Encyclopedia. 29 Jan. 2010 .
"What is Change." IIE - The Global Association of Productivity and Efficiency Proffessionals. 29 Jan. 2010 .


  1. I agree because I believe that change can have positive and negative effects, and I agree that change is inevitable.

  2. i agree and disagree. i think hat change is mainly good but also bad. good blogging!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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