Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Venus of Willendorf

            The Venus of Willendorf is a sculpture of a naked women created from limestone. It was discovered in 1908 in Austria. Researchers said it dates back to 25,000 BCE. This statue is a lot different than others from that time period, because the woman appears to be overweight. Back then, food was scarce, and it was unusual for someone to be larger. This statue shows that during this time period, civilization made huge advancements. The people began agriculture, and now started creating art. The Venus of Willendorf shows that man was beginning to work towards serious advancement in civilization, economics, agriculture, art, arcitechture, and technology.

"Venus of Willendorf: Prehistoric Carving in Limestone: Stone Age Figurine Sculpture: History, Discovery, Photograph." Irish Art | Encyclopedia of Visual Arts in Ireland | History of Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking: Artists, Museums, Galleries, Exhibitions. Web. 27 Jan. 2010.

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