Friday, February 19, 2010

Ancient Greece

Mainland greece
Athens- Atica
Pelapinease- Sparta, pennisula

Between Athens and Sparta is the city of Corith

To understand Greek History you need to understand the Trojan War.
Real or myth?
What the story tells us about what the greeks thought about themselves.
First serious historian in western civilization
Grandfather of history writing
The stories of the wars between Greece and Persia.
He goes and tracks stories for himself.

Wrote the history of the Peloponnesian war.
Much more accurate writer than Herodotus.

Roman historian
From the beginning all of way up to his time

Hugeee empire
500 BC
Didn't like how the Greeks controlled the coasts.

Lead an invasion of Greece.
Goal is to destroy the city of Athens
Thermopylae- where the Persians and Greeks fought. Greeks were vastly outnumbered.

Strong and proud city-state
Led by a code of military honor.
"Come back with your shield, or on it."
Lycurgus- the first Spartan leader to create a system of laws.
During the period or the beginning of tyrants. (Age of Tyrant)
TYRANT- leader
650 BCE- Dominant military power in the region.
Both in Sparta and in Athens.

Phalanx Military formation
Line up in lines
March as a square

Women were more likely to die in childbirth then men in war.
20%                                                                        15%

480 BC- Persian comes to a close. Western Civ practically begins.
Theatre started in honor of the Gods
All movies, plays, tv shows came from Athens.

Nike- means "victory" in Greek

Sparta is beginning to not like Athens after the battle of Thermopolis, because Ahtnes gets all the glory.
This starts the Peloponnesian War.

·         The long walls
o    Used from the Piraeus port to cart up goods to Athens

·         Spartans close in the Athenians right in front of the long walls. The Athenians can not get out to get food. Even if they could, the Spartans burnt all of their crops. Soon, the plaque hit Athens causing them great lose. Eventually a treaty was made, and everything was fine, but Athens lost a lot.

Athens decided to get back at Sparta by attacking Sicily. Alcibiades came up with this plan to attack. The night before, a lot of vandalism was found at Athens. This man was framed, and was claimed to do this. Alcibiades was so mad at these enemies, he told the Spartans about their plan.

Born to the king of Macedon

His father was killed when he was young and he took throne. Alexander decides he is going to get revenge of the Persians. He invades Persia. Alexander the Great conquers the entire known world.

Gordian knot- legend that if you could figure out the knot and undo it you would control the world. Alexander said that it didn't matter hot he untied it….so he took his sword and slashed it. In metaphor, he became the ruler of the world. That was a very Alexander thing to do.

On his journey to get back at Persia, he gets to Egypt, and they all love him. Why? Because he hates the Persians and so the Egyptians. Then, when he got to Iraq, he met the Persians on the battle field. In 333 BC. He met Darius III there and killed him. 

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