Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Greek and Roman Historians

            Herodotus has always been considered “The father of history.” He was one of the first people to begin finding information on the past. When Sparta and Athens defeated the Persians, he couldn’t believe it. After that moment, he devoted himself to finding the answer the question, how did they defeat them? “Herodotus decided that the main point was that the Persians were ruled by a king, and the king had too much power. This led the king to think he was able to control things that really only the gods could control, like the weather, or who won a war”. Herodotus was a very influential writer that inspired most of the historians then and today.

Thucydides (460-395 BC)
            Thucydides was an Athenian. During Thucydides life, he wrote about The Peloponnesian war. He was a much more accurate writer than Herodotus. He wrote the history of this war from the moment it started. He thought it was an important and very exciting war. Thucydides was a great historian, and his works are very interesting.

Livy (59-17 BCE)
Livy was born in Patavium. When Livy was alive, he wasn’t very popular. We don’t know much about his private life, but he had a daughter and a son. He wrote about the rise of Rome. He started with the early history and wrote everything down from then, to his death. Without Livy, we wouldn’t know much of the history of Rome as we do today.

"Herodotus - History for Kids!" Kidipede - History and Science for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School. Web. 04 Mar. 2010. .

"Livy 1: Life." Livius. Articles on Ancient History. Web. 04
Mar. 2010. .

" - Ancient Texts From Thucydides, Plutarch, Herotodus, Xenophone." - Plutarch, Plato, Socrates, Ancient Greek Warfare, Spartans. Web. 04 Mar. 2010. .


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