Friday, March 5, 2010

Whats so "ancient" about Rome?

        Rome was a very strong and powerful empire. It went through many wars, rulers, and expansions. All of these conflicts and changes contributed to our history today. In my opinion, to be “ancient” means to inspire or influence the people that come long after you. The Roman people did that through the way they lived and ruled. Ancient Rome influenced our government and war techniques in the United States.
            The government of the United States may seem old or ancient, but the Roman government was very similar. Just like our government, they had three branches; the executive, legislative, and the judicial. They also had an emperor who was their form of a president. They were the leader of the entire empire, but did not have complete power. The purpose of the emperor was to eliminate the concept of a tyrant or king. (  There were other people involved in creating laws and maintaining control in the empire. ( The most famous event of the Roman Empire was when it fell. Although there is much speculation on whether it did fall or not, something happened for the empire to end. In about 40 B.C., A Roman orator, or public speaker tried to give the government advice. He spoke of many things people are talking about in our country today. He talked about the budget, the debt of the empire, and the quest for more money. He claimed, if they did not control these things, Rome would fall. Clearly the government didn’t listen to this, and thus Rome fell. Rome was in the same state we have been in for the past couple years. The Roman Emperor Nero wanted to increase taxes so they could expand and build. The businesses in Rome began to go bankrupt, because of this serious taxation. This finally led to the fall of Rome in 476 A.D. Many people in our country are thinking that because we have the same structured government and are in an economic crisis ourselves, we might “fall” too. This is very unlikely, but also very realistic at the same time. We have a very strong nation, but we also have weaknesses. (  The Roman government and the United States’ government are alike with the views on taxation and the actual structure of the government. With the influence on Rome’s ancient government, we have been able to replicate a government that is just as strong and successful.
            The United States Army has learned so much from the Romans. The ancient Roman Empire fought in many wars, but not just to expand their country. It was written in Roman law that they could only go to war if the people were being attacked. The people being attacked means “an act of aggression by another power”. The United States believes in this same strategy. (  If we were not attacked on September 11, 2001, by terrorist bombers, we would not be in the war in Afghanistan. The only reason we are there is because they attacked us and killed many innocent people of our country. The same thing happened to Rome  during the Punic Wars. During the time, Rome controlled the island of Sicily, a major trading spot. Carthage and Rome had treaties for years keeping them at peace, but the Carthaginians wanted Sicily. They attacked Sicily, and started the first Punic War in 264 B.C. ( The fighting translated into three Punic Wars that lasted from 264 to 202 B.C. ( The Roman army influenced the United States so much, they created the same laws as the Romans about fighting.
            Through government and war, the Romans impacted us greatly. This influence on modern day life, makes Rome ancient. To be “ancient” means to inspire or influence the people that come long after you. The Romans did that easily by  giving us our very successful way of government and the knowledge of when to go to war. The Romans were people who were able to create something so strong, but still lose it all. They didn’t listen to the person giving advice and the empire fell. The Romans still influenced us so much and to me, are considered ancient.

"First Punic War, 264-241 BC." Military History Encyclopedia on the Web. Web. 05 Mar. 2010. .
"Government in Rome." Ancient Rome. Web. 5 Mar. 2010. .
Ibeji, Mike. "BBC - History - Ancient History in Depth: Empires of Absent Mind: Rome and the USA." BBC - Homepage. 5 Nov. 2009. Web. 05 Mar. 2010. .
"The Punic Wars, Home Page." Boise State University. Web. 05 Mar. 2010. .
Reed, Lawrence W. "The United States and the Roman Empire." Welcome to The Future of Freedom Foundation. June 1990. Web. 05 Mar. 2010. .

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