Friday, March 12, 2010

The Roman Republic Notes

In Roman society, in your will, you could adopt someone.
Juilis Ceaser adopting him
The power guy.

Power guy

Money guy.

^Split up Rome amongst themselves.
Octavian gets Italy
Mark Antony gets Greece and Egypt
Lepidus gets the East

Mark Antony and Cleopatra go to war against Octavian and Agrippa. Octavian defeat the naval forces of these two. Antony commits suicide, Cleopatra goes back to Egypt and commits suicide. She let a venomous snake into her bed to bite her.  Octavian becomes Augustus and is the sole leader of Rome. The Republic is no longer.

First 5 Roman Emperors
1.    Augustus
2.    Tiberius
3.    Caligula
4.    And Claudius
5.    Nero

Best Roman historian that wrote about these Emperors

The period of the Roman empire beginning with the reign of Augustus

Not wearing shoes?
Depicted as a God
Image of Roman propaganda

Augustus dies in 14 CE and doesn't leaves an heir. His wife Livea had a son from another marriage. His son Tiberius becomes emperor. He kept peace, but was a cruel man. After him Caligula was CRAZY. Had affairs with his sisters. Murdered random people for fun. Tried to get his horse in the senate. Eventually was assininated. His brother Claudius became emperor. Didn't want to be emperor, but okay one. Followed by Nero. Also CRAZY. Famously burned down part of the city. Wanted a piece of property to put his honor on. Put a palace called the Golden House is here. There is also a huge statue of himself. Forced to commit suicide. This ends the Julio Claudian emperors. Rome goes into a little caus. In 69, Vespasian, he was very strick. Military style, pretty good at getting order back into the empire. His son Titus, he completes the vespasian amphitheatre or the Coliseum. He also creates the Arch of Titus. On the inside, it says the sentate and people of rome dedicate this arch to the divine Vespasian. There is a picture of them attacking Jerusalem. Titus dies and is replaced by Domitian who was pretty tough. Builds public works. He is assininated and is replaced by a man names Nerva (96-98). We now get into the age of "good" emperors. Starts the pracitce of choosing the heir rather than the heir being a blood relative. Choosees Trajan (98-117) one of the military geniuses. He created the Trajan column. Expandes the empire.  Handrian (117-138) statres the high point of the Roman empire. The first roman empire not to be from Italy. He was from Spain. Antoninnus Pius (138-161) Marcus Aurelius (161-180)

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