Monday, March 1, 2010

Imagining Life as a Roman

Although there are still two Punic Wars ahead, I believe that there hopeful life ahead. In the future, everyone would be treated equal in Rome. The Struggle of the Orders was a long time ago, but many people are still being treated unfairly. I hope a brand new invention will come soon to help us with farming. The wheel and the plow help enormously, but maybe something could be made that would help us not only plant the crops, but harvest them. It is so tiring harvesting all of our crops in the fields. As far as culture, I feel that the Roman culture is so different, and interesting it will be introduced to many other civilizations and nations. We have a different view on many things, and I hope it translates into the future. As a Roman civilian, I hope our future changes, but we still keep the Roman culture alive.
By looking at the world around me today, I can’t predict what is going to happen. Not that anyone can, but I can’t even begin to think about how our world can go through more change then right now. We can elect different leaders, change parts of our government, and make new laws, but the United States will always be a great country. Brand new technology is being created that make life so much easier. Computers, cars, tools all help us to do the things we can do every day. All of these new things really make me wonder if we really need them. People back in Rome and Greece didn’t have our materials, but their civilizations were very successful and powerful. I just know in the future, I do not want to lose the country we have today to new and improved technology.

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