Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Marcus Aurelius's Meditations and Thanks Yous

Dear Mom,
            Thank you for everything you have taught me. Although I sometimes do not believe you when you tell me something, it always has meaning to me. I always think of you when I make decisions. You have helped me through so much and I don’t think I could ever repay you for that.

Dear Dad,
            Thank you for making me see how great my life is. You have given me the resources to become the best person I can be. Thank you for going to work every day and giving our family a great life. I am so grateful to have you as a parent.

Dear Laura and Jenny,
            Thanks for being there for me as sisters. I can always come to you guys for advice on anything. You have been through the same situations that I am going through now and know exactly what to say. Sometimes we get in fights and are mad at each other, but you always have my back. I can have fun with you no matter what we are doing. There are no other sisters I would ask for.

Dear Nanni,
            You are the best grandma in the world. You have taught me so much and I love that about you. I always get so excited when you come and see me, and love flying out to see Chicago and seeing you. You have taught me to be the person I am today. I behave the way I do in public because of you. You will always be one of those people I never forgot who shaped my life today.

Dear Mrs. Cordell, my 7th and 8th grade math teacher,
            I thank you for your knowledge in math. You taught me so much about this subject. Having you for two years made me realize how important math is and that I really do like it. The only reason I am doing well in my math class this year is because I had you as a teacher. Thanks so much for you love of math.

"The Internet Classics Archive | The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius." The Internet Classics Archive: 441 Searchable Works of Classical Literature. Web. 12 Mar. 2010. .

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